While conceiving works, writers are often influenced by the environment, people and places. Hidden desires, inner feelings, hopes, disappointments, anger, and other positive and negative emotions can be felt in the lyrics.
Good writers are critical of their works. They imagine themselves in similar situations and put feelings into the songs. Good lyrics touch the hearts of listeners when they relate to listeners' life situations.
A common view on this is that, creative works, ideas and inventions are believed to be inspired. Quality work cannot be enforced or churned out at will. It is thus better to allow the mind to produce the work at its pace and momentum. Such works flow like rivers, and are well remembered for eternity.
My mum was a Hindi movie fan. By coincidence, I was in Penang when I first heard the sound-track "Yeh samma" sung by Lata Mangkeshkar. The melody was beautiful, and romantic and caught my attention. Movies were then featuring actors playing hide and seek and hard to get. I felt the song deserved a more serious treatment.
I made a decision to record a Malay version. The idea was shelved, as the upcoming recording had been pre-planned. I had also not written the Malay lyrics. .
I forgot the idea and months later, while alone in my gift shop on a quiet day,  I felt low. The romantic melody kept spinning in my mind. With no effort, Malay lyrics popped-up. They fitted the melody, and the title "Bersama" was catchy. It sounded close to "Yeh samma".
It made my day. I could hardly wait to record the song. It inspired me, but did not end here. I told of an unusual experience I encountered, on the night prior to the recording..
"Bersama" is today the most viewed song on sarenafanclub09 You Tube channel.
When I met Lata Mangheskar while in Bombay, she was thrilled to hear the version of "Yeh Samma". EMI later presented her a copy of the LP.
Dua Kali Dua
it means 2 x 2. It reminded me of my childhood days. It sounds mathematical, but in Malay it can also mean "you are the same, no better than me". The words are often used to tease someone.
I liked the original song "kiss me honey, honey"; catchy song with cheeky lyrics. It had not crossed my mind to record it in Malay.
One day, I was alone in my car, heading towards KL city, and roads were empty. The weather was bright and sunny, and I was unusually cheery. At such times, I kept the music on while driving. On that day, I sang aloudly whatever songs that came to my mind.
Then, it struck me with an idea to put Malay lyrics to the song. In high spirit, cheeky lyrics flowed with ease. I pulled the car to the side and jotted down the lyrics. They fitted beautifully with the melody, and "Dua kali dua" was created.
The late EMI Producer, Reggie Verghese, excited by my choice of the song, arranged beautiful instrumentation. The clapping sounds he inserted gave a cheeky finish to match the lyrics and vocal.
An unreleased copy of the album was rushed to the TV studio and featured in the 4th weekly show of "Sarena in Saturday Night Entertainment"- (Hiburan Malam Minggu bersama Sarena". TV Producer, Helan Abu, had good vision for sound and music, and predicted it would be a hit.
When the song came on TV, my mum and others were excited. I am happy to know fans who were not older than 10, still remember the song. More touched I am, to know it brought fond memories of their childhood days. "Dua kali dua" became a sing-along. EMI confirmed it was my best selling LP.
Today, I often hear "Dua kali dua" and "Bersama" on Radio Klasik radio. I am proud they brought back fond memories of the past for me and my fans.